A jar of Yonder Honey is a snapshot in time and place.
Each honey is influenced by the places the bees have been foraging and pollens and nectars they have brought back to the hive.
Each jar is single source, the honey comes from just one location, it is raw and not blended.
Here at Yonder Honey we are always exploring new sites for our bees, constantly curious to see the rainbows of pollen they bring in and how their honeys will taste.
Yonder Honey was founded in York in 2016 through a fascination for bees, what they do and how they do it. Bees and other pollinators are vital for a healthy environment and we like to do our bit to help them!
We have recently relocated from York and continue to explore new sites and new collaborations – do get in touch! We hope to bring new honey from new locations very soon.
We have Jim Poyner Photography to thank for the photographs of our bees and hives that appear on this website – he’s mint!